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FM Armin Musovic

''Every chess master was once a beginner.'' - Irving Chernev

LocationBijelo Polje Montenegro
LanguagesEnglish (US)
RatingFIDE: 22732744246023491963
Hourly rate35$
AvailabilityAccepting students

About me

Hello everyone. I'm Armin Mušović, FIDE master from Montenegro. My current ELO is 2316. Besides chess, I finished psychology, and I'm also a musician.

Playing experience

- Three times I was the best youth champion of Montenegro (twice till 16 years, and once till 18)
- I won several tournaments till 2300 rating points
- Once I have finished on 3. place on Montenegrin blitz championship
- Many other tournaments, but also European championships (rapid, blitz, and youth) and once World youth championship

Teaching methodology

First of all, I'm trying to figure out what is the level of knowledge of my student. After that, depending on chess level, I'm putting effort to teach more in areas in which student is not too good. Of course, we learn chess theory, and I'm usually starting with endgames. I'm also preparing students with chessbase, and if they want, I can teach them unusual openings, so they can surprise their opponents :).